Publicações científicas

Give children and adolescents the gift of a good night’s sleep: A call to action

Artigo publicado na Sleep Medicine. Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages 203-204. Conteúdo fechado para assinantes. 

Novas diretrizes no diagnóstico e tratamento das insônias

A Associação Brasileira de Sono reuniu especialistas em medicina do sono com o objetivo de desenvolver novas diretrizes no diagnóstico e tratamento das insônias. Nós consideramos quatro níveis de evidência: padrão, recomendado, opcional e não recomendado. Os tópicos abordados foram: conceito, avaliação clínica e psicossocial, indicação da polissonografia, tratamento farmacológico, terapia comportamental cognitiva, comorbidades e insônia na infância. Para o diagnóstico da insônia, foi recomendada uma avaliação psicossocial e a realização da polissonografia, enquanto que no que se refere ao tratamento, foi estabelecido como padrão a indicação da terapia comportamental cognitiva, e, quanto ao tratamento farmacológico, foi indicado o uso do zolpidem como hipnótico padrão, e sendo recomendado o zopiclone, a trazodona e a doxepina.

Sexsomnia: abnormal sexual behavior during sleep


This review attempts to assemble the characteristics of a distinct variant of sleepwalking called sexsomnia/sleepsex from the seemingly scarce literature into a coherent theoretical framework. Common features of sexsomnia include sexual arousal with autonomic activation (e.g. nocturnal erection, vaginal lubrication, nocturnal emission, dream orgasms). Somnambulistic sexual behavior and its clinical implications, the role of precipitating factors, diagnostic, treatment, and medico-legal issues are also reviewed. The characteristics of several individuals described in literature including their family/personal history of parasomnia as well as the abnormal behaviors occurring during sleep are reported.

Non-REM Sleep Instability in Children With Primary Monosymptomatic Sleep Enuresis


Study objectives: Sleep enuresis is one of the most common sleep disturbances in childhood. Parental perception of deeper sleep in children with sleep enuresis is not confirmed by objective studies. However, evidence of disturbed sleep has been demonstrated by questionnaire, actigraphy, and polysomnographic studies, but no neurophysiological correlation with low arousability has been found. The goal of this study was to analyze the sleep microstructure of children with sleep enuresis using cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) analysis.

Sleep disorder, chorea, and dementia associated with IgLON5 antibodies


A novel syndrome characterized by a distinctive sleep disorder accompanied by variable symptoms of brainstem involvement and a highly restricted haplotype was recently described in association with antibodies to a neuronal cell adhesion protein named IgLON5. Because of the symptoms and chronic disease progression, most of these patients are primarily seen by specialists in sleep and neurodegenerative disorders. Since the initial description of this encephalopathy in 2014, only 1 additional patient has been reported.1 In order to improve clinical recognition we report a new patient who presented with the characteristic sleep dysfunction and subsequently developed chorea.

Periodic limb movements during sleep and restless legs syndrome in patients with ASIA A spinal cord injury


Objective: To establish the occurrence of Periodic Leg Movements (PLM) and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) subjects. Methods:  In this study, twenty four patients were submitted to a full night polysomnography and were assessed with Epworth Sleepiness Scale and an adapted form of International Restless Legs Syndrome Scale Rating Scale (IRLS Rating Scale). Control Group (CG) was composed of 16 subjects, 50% of each sex, age: 24.38 ± 4 years old. Spinal Cord Injury Group (SCIG) was composed of 8 subjects (29 ± 5 years old) with a complete SCI (ASIA A) of about three and a half years of duration, 100% males.

Sleep and neuromuscular disorders in children


Children suffering from neuromuscular diseases are at an increased risk of sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and hypoventilation as well as central sleep apnea, which is frequent in these patients due to diaphragmatic weakness. They are at higher risk for developing complications of nocturnal hypoxemia, including pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale and neurocognitive dysfunction. Neuromuscular disorders and OSAS are both prevalent disorders and frequently overlap. Sleep-related hypoventilation/hypoxemia due to neuromuscular diseases may be exacerbated in the presence of OSAS; these children are likely to experience greater severity and duration of sleep-related hypoxemia than are children with either disorder alone. Additionally, some of these children have reduced central neural chemoresponsiveness. The development of SRBD in these patients further impairs their quality of life and worsens their respiratory status. We review the literature on the diagnosis and treatment of SRBD in children with a variety of neuromuscular disorders.

Incontinentia pigmenti achromians (hypomelanosis of ITO, MIM 146150): Further evidence of localization at Xp11


We report on a girl with apparent hypomelanosis of Ito(ITO); cytogenetic studies disclosed the karyotype 46,X,t(X;10)(p11;q11)mat. We present further evidence that at least one of the genetic forms of ITO is located at Xp11; reviewing the clinical characteristics of patients with incontinentia pigmenti type 1 (IP1) and ITO with X‐autosome translocations, we suggest that IP1 and ITO represent allelic forms or a contiguous gene syndrome. Thus, different genetic alterations in this region (Xp11) give rise to ITO or IP1 or borderline phenotypes. We also suggest that all patients with ITO, due to Xp11 mutation, have functional or genetic mosaicisms. © 1993 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Postvaccinal parkinsonism


A 5‐year‐old boy, with a history of fever beginning 15 days after a vaccination for measles, developed a rigid‐akinetic syndrome 3 days after the fever began. A spinal tap obtained 1 week after the onset of fever showed pleocytosis with a monocellular pattern. A CT scan of the head and EEG did not disclose any abnormality. An MRI performed 3 months after the event, however, showed clear‐cut evidence of bilateral substantia nigra lesions, suggesting secondary gliosis. The response to levodopa was good, but adverse reactions appeared early. The child is now 7 years old. Bromocriptine, deprenyl, and levodopa have produced a remarkable improvement of the parkinsonian features.

The prevalence and significance of periodic leg movements during sleep in patients with congestive heart failure


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate (1) the prevalence of periodic leg movements during sleep (PLMs) in a consecutive sample of congestive heart failure (CHF) outpatients; (2) the presence of correlation between PLMs, subjective daytime sleepiness, and sleep architecture; and (3) the heart rate response to PLMs in CHF. Materials and methods: Seventy-nine [50 men, age 59 ± 11 years, body mass index (BMI) 26 ± 5 kg/m2] consecutive adult stable outpatients with CHF [left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 36 ± 6%] were prospectively evaluated. The patients underwent assessment of echocardiography, sleepiness (Epworth Scale), and overnight in-lab polysomnography.

Sexual behavior in sleep, sleepwalking and possible REM behavior disorder: a case report


Seven cases of sexual behavior during sleep (SBS) have been recently reported. The subjects had histories of behavioral parasomnias as well as positive family histories of parasomnia. A 27 year-old man with a history of sexual behavior during sleep was reported. His sleep history disclosed sleepwalking (SW) since 9 years of age. He also developed episodes of highly disruptive and violent nocturnal behavior with dream enactment at age 20 years, which often resulted in physical injuries either to himself or his wife and infant. His wife also reported episodes of amnestic sexual behavior that began 4 years before referral. During the episodes, the patient typically procured his wife, achieving complete sexual intercourse with total amnesia. Physical and neurological diagnostic workups were unremarkable. Family history disclosed sleepwalking in his brother. He was put on 2mg/day of bedtime clonazepam with a remarkable clinical improvement. This case involves either the combination of violent and non-violent sleepwalking with SBS, or the superimposition of presumed REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) on top of preexisting SW in a man who also developed SBS in adulthood. Thus, this is a case report of probable parasomnia overlap syndrome.

1º Posicionamento Brasileiro sobre o Impacto dos Distúrbios de Sono nas Doenças Cardiovasculares da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia

Os distúrbios de sono compreendem uma vasta gama de condições clínicas capazes de interferir negativamente em todos orgãos e sistemas, e, em particular, no sistema cardiovascular. As consequências são inúmeras e não limitadas à fase em que estamos dormindo; pelo contrário, os distúrbios de sono causam importantes repercussões também no período da vigília, comprometendo a qualidade de vida e contribuindo para o surgimento de muitas doenças. Nesta diretriz, abordaremos as principais evidências que sugerem, cada vez de forma mais consistente, o impacto dos distúrbios de sono nas doenças cardiovasculares.

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